Mark Bonner, Climate Change Program leader, Engineers Australia
Sophia Hamblin Wang, Chief Operating Officer, Mineral Carbonation International (MCi) & and Director, CO2 Value Australia
Dr. Ben McGarry, Future Energy Capability Leader, Aurecon
Rhys Anderson, Generation Leader for Environment & Resource, Arup
Brenda Denbesten, Chemical engineer for 15 years, STEM Empowerment Coach
What is a Case Competition?
A case competition is a fast-paced simulation of a real-world project. Multidisciplinary teams work collaboratively on a problem to provide a set of deliverables within a short timeframe.
Utilising their theoretical knowledge, students gain first-hand experience to develop their critical thinking, build new skill sets, push themselves out of their comfort space and even create lasting friendships along the way.
Young Engineers Australia
Young Engineers Australia exists to represent, support and provide a voice for the young engineering team. Through a culture of innovation, integrity and the pursuit of excellence, YEA facilitates the professional and personal development of our membership. This establishes engineers as highly respected members of the community.
Engineers Australia
Engineers Australia is the trusted voice of the profession. We are the global home for engineering professionals renowned as leaders in shaping a sustainable world.
With around 100,000 individual members, Engineers Australia is the profession’s peak body. We are the voice of the profession, and exist to advance the science and practice of engineering for the benefit of the community.